Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why the swan echoes

Why the swan echoes/I'm just saying is the best thing that I have decided to write next to, The Old Woman and the River and Divine Healing + Divine Health = A Divine Life.

The swan echoes with real life stories, dramatization, antedotes, poems, poetry and recipes. The facts of life, the way they were and are. In todays economy we live, breathe and have our being in God. Life is not worth the living and neither do we have any life without Christ.

This book brings to life what we think, desire and struggle for. The things we think, believe, yet refuse to verbalize all because we are afraid to offend. In my life, I am neither my own do I profess to be. I speak what thus says the Lord at all times, risking life and limb. I have been put out of many congregations, places of evil because people are not willing to face responsible or accountability.

Today, we must be responsible and accountable for our actions. Honesty is the foundation of change. In other words, there must be honesty in all things before we can change. Change is difficult, yet if we embrace it and accept it, life will follow suit.

Why the swan echoes/I'm just saying is in line to be published by author house next month and I hope you will reserve your copy today and pick it up once published, read it and give me some feed back. The swan has a lot to say about many things beginning with "Why the swan sings" now in publication everywhere fine books are sold by Mary F. Simmons.

This woman is hotter than hot declares one writer over at viewpoint.com. She is a prolific writer well gifted and well rounded as well as spoken. We all can and will benefit from Mary's experiences and life's ups and downs. Nothing is greater than wisdom, knowledge and understanding with a good dose of controversial delight.

Mary is open to speaking and book signings, give her a call and invite her @Simmmary@yahoo.com.